Thai Freeze Dry

Farm freshness to your door

Thai Freeze Dry herbs grow in the foothills surrounding Chiang Mai and are processed immediately upon delivery while still farm-fresh.


Our proprietary Vortex Freeze-Dried process allows us to preserve these herbs in their fresh form, maintaining the medicinal qualities of them in a highly bioactive, stable, bio-available and concentrated herbal powder.

Vortex Freeze-Dried Technology

The enzymes and microbes that naturally degrade these herbs require water to function. Vortex Freeze-Dried dries the herbs with no exposure to heat at any time during the processing. The result is a stronger herbal powder that is highly bioactive and that is more easily absorbed and used by your body, resulting in more bioavailability.

VFD takes freeze-drying to a new level.

Conventional Freeze Dry Method. Inferior to Thai Freeze Dry Technology

(Mechanically Ground)

vortex freeze-dried
Thai Freeze Dry Process makes porous particle structures.

(w/ Vortex Freeze-Dried Technology)

In our process, the product is not sitting motionless on trays but is flying around inside the product chamber in a vortex. This dramatically increases the exposed surface area which, in turn, increases the rate of heat exchange allowing larger quantities to be dried faster and more thoroughly.


Farm and Forest Fresh herbs as well as strict raw material specifications set the scene for a more effective and experiential herb, but truely, it is VFD that distinguishes Thai Freeze Dry herbs from all others on the market.

Thai Freeze Dry social responsibility.

Raw Material Specifications

White Label OEM

Private Label Packaging Solutions

Thai Freeze Dry's CFL machine

OEM Production